Full description
Rough minutes for each session of the Court show: date of sitting, members of the Court, and summarise proceedings before the Court. This series is incomplete.Minutes vary considerably in length and detail. In most instances only a brief indication of the verdict handed down is given; however, in more important cases (eg. Lord v Palmer concerning the estate of Stogdell) an almost complete transcript of proceedings appears to have been entered up.
In addition, related case papers (which, whenever possible, have been inserted with the relevant minutes) may include depositions of witnesses, pleas by plaintiffs and/or defendants (either delivered in Court or sent to the Judge Advocate to be read in Court), and memorials to the Judge Advocate.
Rough minutes also include hearings of applications for the granting of letters of administration, and agreements between parties to submit matters to arbitration (in some cases the awards of arbitrators, or, when called upon, umpires, are included).
From 1796 rough minutes include for each session schedules of: returned writs issued out of Court, together with, where applicable, a notation as to the result of suits settled out of court; writs granted on affidavits sworn in Court; and writs of capias issued.
These were originally loose papers. It is unknown when they were bound into volumes.
(2/8147-49). 3 vols.
This description is extracted from Concise Guide to the State Archives of New South Wales, 3rd Edition 2000.
Created: 1788-01-01 to 1809-12-31
Data time period: 1788-01-01 to 1809-12-31
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