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This series comprises agendas and minutes of the Health Commission. The Commission held weekly meetings on every Thursday of each week.
The meetings were held in two parts formal business as per the agenda which were recorded in the minutes and informal discussions on any matter brought forward by any member which were not recorded.
The types of business held in the minutes varies widely from such matters as meals on wheels, Radiotherapy facilities, Hospitals budgets, motor vehicles policy, issue of licences to nursing homes, fluoridation education, Aboriginal health and proposed amendments to Private Hospital Regulations.
The agendas were placed at the beginning of the minutes listing items to be discussed as formal business. The minutes were arranged by day, time and place, who was present or absent and also others who were present. The items were recorded with an Action Officer allocated and a date when a report was required.
These records were received as part of the records of the Royal Commission into the former Chelmsford Private Hospital and Mental Health Services in New South Wales.
Created: 1973-03-15 to 1982-10-28
Data time period: 1973-03-15 to 1982-10-28
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