Full description
This series comprises a handwritten index to patients admitted to and discharged from wards at Rozelle Hospital.
The book has been hand ruled into columns headed: name; unit no. [patient registration number]; adm. date [admission date]; ward; PUD 12.9.A/CT & Reclass; dis. date [discharge date]; comments; 6 month review; 6 month review and psys. The last two columns are repeated several times but were not completed.
The register is arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the last name of the patient and gives the first name. The comments column has been used to record discharge, transfer to another ward or hospital, or death.
The cover is annotated: 'B/R Book for - TRIB/CT PUD REVIE[W]' and 'see new register' on the first page indicates a further register was commenced.
The volume is a foolscap size, lined book with alphabetical tabs.
Created: 1980-01-01 to 1981-12-31
Data time period: 1980-01-01 to 1981-12-31
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