Full description
This series comprises name indexes to patients attending Callan Park Hospital. While the registers were compiled from various dates, the earliest beginning in 1946, the dates of the first admission for patients in the registers range from as early as 1916 to almost as late as the final discharge dates.
The handwritten books have four columns headed: Name, Reg. No. [patient registration number], Ward, Date, and Remarks.
The entries are alphabetical by last name with the entries under each letter entered chronologically. Patients' full names are entered, their patient registration number of the ward to which they were allocated, the date [of first admission] and the remarks column which is generally used to record discharge date or transfer to another institution.
The index books are arranged alphabetically by the last names of the patients. Separate index books were sometimes kept for male patients and female patients.
Created: 1946-01-01 to 1961-12-31
Data time period: 1946-10-07 to 1961-08-27
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