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This series consists of microfiche and printouts showing hospital separations data for inpatients to New South Wales hospitals between 1976 and 1989. The data was collected and collated by the Demand and Performance Evaluation Reporting Unit which formed part of the Demand and Performance Evaluation Branch of the NSW Department of Health. The collated statistics were printed and transferred on to microfiche by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
The statistics are displayed in tables and in some cases in graph format. The statistics relate to individual hospitals, to particular regions within NSW and in some cases the data sets relate to all hospitals in New South Wales. The data was collected in order to gauge demand for hospitals in New South Wales and for the purpose of future planning.
Some of the statistics provided include separations by diagnosis, separations by principal operation, average length of stay by principal diagnosis, morbidity statistics by operation and admissions by disease. Within these categories information regarding the age, sex, principal diagnosis, number of bed days, average length of stay, procedure, class or type of disease and usual residence of the patient can be provided.
The microfiche are grouped into 13 bundles and arranged in chronological and item number order.
Created: 1976-01-01 to 1989-12-31
Data time period: 1976-01-01 to 1989-12-31
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