
NRS-15887 | Directory of Corrective Services

NSW State Archives Collection
AGY-1 | Department of Prisons (1874-1970) Department of Corrective Services (1970-2009)
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= | Directory of Corrective Services&rft.identifier= Services NSW&rft.description=This series consists of a published booklet which provides the following information about the Department of Corrective Services. The directory details the following: an overview of the functions and history of the Department and its predecessors; a list of enabling legislation; a section on staff including method of recruitment, working conditions, staff development programs and statistics; statistical data regarding prisoners followed by a description of the reception and classification of prisons, facilities available to them, remission of sentences, discipline and special programs (alternatives to institutional custody) The existing prisons were described providing the following details - classification, capacity, staff numbers and grades, the programs and health services provided, menu, entitlements, privileges and amenities, discipline and welfare services. Prisons included places of detention, afforestation camps, periodic detention centres, work release centres, training centres, gaols, remand centres and industrial prisons.&rft.creator=AGY-1 | Department of Prisons (1874-1970) Department of Corrective Services (1970-2009) &rft_subject=HISTORICAL STUDIES&rft_subject=HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data


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This series consists of a published booklet which provides the following information about the Department of Corrective Services. The directory details the following: an overview of the functions and history of the Department and its predecessors; a list of enabling legislation; a section on staff including method of recruitment, working conditions, staff development programs and statistics; statistical data regarding prisoners followed by a description of the reception and classification of prisons, facilities available to them, remission of sentences, discipline and special programs (alternatives to institutional custody) The existing prisons were described providing the following details - classification, capacity, staff numbers and grades, the programs and health services provided, menu, entitlements, privileges and amenities, discipline and welfare services.

Prisons included places of detention, afforestation camps, periodic detention centres, work release centres, training centres, gaols, remand centres and industrial prisons.

Created: 1977-12-01

Data time period: 1977-01-01 to 1977-12-31

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