Full description
These comprise the following: dredging and disposal of spoil from the eastern basin of Port Kembla inner harbour (6/3933.1); supply, fabrication, delivery and erection of a stern ramp at Port Kembla inner harbour for the A.N.L. terminal (6/3933.2); construction of steel sheet piling wall, Macquarie Road-Homer Street section and at Wardale Bridge, Cook's River (6/3933.3); pile driving at Port Kembla for bresting dolphins of roll-on roll-off berth (6/3933.4); seismic survey of Coff's Harbour (6/3933.5); Port Kembla general cargo berth marine boring investigation (6/3933.6).(6/3933). 1 box.
This description is extracted from Concise Guide to the State Archives of New South Wales, 3rd Edition 2000.
Created: 1969-01-01 to 1970-12-31
Data time period: 1969-01-01 to 1970-12-31
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