Full description
These files, which are mostly "AI" and "Special files", relate to such matters as: tick eradication; treatment of stock; plague locust; pesticide residues on cereals and grains; brucellosis; artificial insemination; myxomatosis in rabbits; slaughtering of animals; outbreaks of diseases; registration of stock foods and by-products; footrot in sheep; amendments to legislation; use of DDT pesticides; swine and cattle compensation; closer settlement promotion applications; acquisition of land for war service land settlement; quarantine; pet foods; conduct of veterinary surgeons; administration of Experiment Farms; and the import and export of stock and products.The files also include minutes of meetings of Committees and Boards, such as the Board of Tick Control and the New South Wales Poultry Advisory Board; annual reports of Experiment Farms and Research Stations; Public Service Board Regulation 32 reports; papers relating to conferences, overseas visits, and field research projects; and various administrative matters.
Boxes 19/11777-81 contain unregistered files relating to meetings of various committees; box 12/14018 contains unregistered files relating to the Australian Commercial Pig Producers Federation and the New South Wales Pig Producers Council (1972-79).
(12/21-25, 12/9138-9162 part, 10/38245-53, 10/42478-86, 10/31689-98, 13/10401-09, 13/7947-53, 3/902-05, 3/9145-47, 10/24729-40, 10/10705, 10/38241-43, 10/42532-34, 14/5450 part-5465 part, 7/10675, 20/13387-402, 12/4898-900, 19/11774-81, 10/2677B-C, 10/1216B, 12/1236-37, 12/251, 14/5549-54, 12/1744, 18/1842-44, 12/4166-69, 12/14018, 12/11519-31, 12/5468-75, 12/15342.4). 288 boxes, 1 carton, 1 bundle.
This description is extracted from Concise Guide to the State Archives of New South Wales, 3rd Edition 2000.
Created: 1942-01-01 to 1979-12-31
Data time period: 1942-01-01 to 1979-12-31
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