Brief description
The Biophysical Oceanography Group produces monthly oceanographic reports for the eastern Australian coast, including the Torres Strait, which summarise key environmental variables such as sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll concentration. These variables are important indicators for coral reef ecosystems and other biological processes. This series of the reports covers from August 2011 - November 2014 The NERP Torres Strait/GBR environmental condition reports have been assembled from an array of satellite and in situ data, as well as selected bleaching and temperature forecast models. These reports identify the differences between the models and observed conditions, and include a brief analysis of the ocean-atmospheric current conditions, from Pacific basin to GBR scale. The NERP reports cover Northern and Southern GBR and includes: - A monthly composite of SST, SST anomaly, chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-a anomaly derived from MODIS imagery and processed by the Biophysical Oceanography Group; - Great Barrier Reef SST Anomaly Forecast (POAMA-2); - NOAA Coral Reef Watch outlook; - In-situ temperature measurements by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) for Lizard Island, Davies Reef, Heron Island, Hardy Reed, Myrmidon Reef and Orpheus Island; - NOAA Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis - OceanMaps 15m Depth-Average Currents - ENSO index Historic reports go back to 2009. Note: The eAtlas does not contain the source data used to generate these reports. Repository Location: These reports have been filed in the eAtlas enduring data repository at: data\NERP-TE\2.3_TS-coral-monitoring\TS_NERP-TE-2-3_UQ_Condition-reportsIssued: 01 08 2011
Modified: 20141130
Data time period: 08 2011 to 2014
text: northlimit=-10; southlimit=-26; westlimit=142; eastLimit=156
text: northlimit=-7.5; southlimit=-20; westlimit=141; eastLimit=152
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