Brief description
The Mineral Potential web service provides access to digital datasets used in the assessment of mineral potential in Australia. The service includes maps showing the potential for sediment-hosted base metal mineral systems in Australia.Lineage
Statement: The mineral potential web service has initially been developed for delivering sediment-hosted base metal mineral potential maps for the Exploring For The Future programme. Other mineral potential datasets may be added in the future.text: westlimit=109.19559396664313; southlimit=-44.11040122785293; eastlimit=156.95193987847105; northlimit=-8.990065180108303; projection=7845
Exploring for the Future |
Mineral potential |
Mineral systems |
Published_External |
Sediment-hosted base metal |
geoscientificInformation |
web service |
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Mineral Potential WMS
- URI :
- global : f4bd18f3-5688-4c4d-8072-bdedc49a29e6
- global : 7254c4ec-d1a2-4fd5-b72d-e85e55e77f5a