Brief description
The MARine Sediment (MARS) database contains detailed information on seabed sediment characteristics for samples collected from Australia's marine jurisdiction, including the Australian Antarctic Territory. It is an important scientific resource that includes sediment properties from seabed and sub-seabed samples spanning coastal, continental shelf and deep sea locations. Analytical properties include grain size, carbonate content, mineralogy, geochemical properties and age determinations. MARS currently holds approximately 100,000 sample records and new data are being added as they become available. Please contact us at if you wish to contribute marine sediment data to the MARS database.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: weekly
Statement: The Marine Sediments database webservice was originally developed as a static webservice in 2018. The Marine Sediments (MARS) webservice was migrated to new infrastructure and republished in 2021 as part of a webservice upgrade. This resulted in a change to the service endpoint URL to or with the featuretype ‘ausseabed:Seabed_Sediments_Collection’. The webservice provides data from Geoscience Australia’s MARS database and is now updated weekly.
Issued: 2009
text: westlimit=40.8543; southlimit=-69.536; eastlimit=171.8011; northlimit=-8.473405
DC2020 |
Database |
Earth Sciences |
HVC_144639 |
National dataset |
Oracle Database |
Published_External |
data |
geoscientificInformation |
marine |
marine survey |
sedimentology |
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- global : a05f7892-eef2-7506-e044-00144fdd4fa6