Brief description
Data from two missions of the Liquid Robotics SV3 Wave Glider, the first mission in the central GBR from the 19th to the 26th of September 2017 and the second around Browse Island in Western Australia from the 30th of November to the 5th of December 2017. Both missions had the same sensors on the Wave Glider including: Seabird CTD + DO sensor (temp + salinity + DO) Teledyne Workhorse Monitor 600kHz ADCP (currents, waves) Turner C3 Fluorometer (algae, hydro-carbons) AirMar 200WX weather Station without humidity (weather) Datawell MOSE-G1000 GPS motion sensor (waves) The GBR deployment was from the R.V. Cape Ferguson and completed transects in the central GBR matrix including observatons beside the DISITI Wave Rider Buoy off Cape Cleveland and the Yongala NRS. The objective of the mission was to test teh glider in shelf applications near reefs and to test the ability of the platform to collect data equivalent to the Wave-Ride and Yongala moorings. The WA deployment was from the R.V. Solander and did surveys around Browse Island then undertook a transect to Echuca Shoals where it did a number of transects across the shoals before returning to Browse Island. The main objective was to test the utility of the platform in conditions on the North-West shelf including a period with tides over 5m in range. Wave data from the Prelude platform was also obtained for comparison.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedNotes
CreditLiquid Robotics, a Boeing Company, USA
Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), Australia
Modified: 17 10 2024
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