
Linkage Projects - Grant ID: LP130100411 [ 2014-06-27 - 2018-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Robert Tanton (Chief Investigator) ,  Billie Giles-Corti (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Ilan Katz (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Sally Brinkman (Chief Investigator) ,  Sharon Goldfeld (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description The Kids in Communities Study: national investigation of community level effects on children's developmental outcomes. This project (a cross-disciplinary collaboration) will investigate community level factors influencing early childhood developmental outcomes using a mixed methods approach in up to 10 communities across Australia. This will result in a potential set of measures or indicators that reflect communities that are good for children.

Funding Amount $568,815

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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