Brief description
This database allows users to search for - naturally-occurring landslides - landslides with a significant human contribution or directly triggered by humans,- flood events causing significant erosion, and - flash flood events involving mud or debris - which have been recorded by Geoscience Australia and contributing scientific organisations and returns these landslide and flood events along with their associated data. - Human-triggered landslides include events such as sand collapses caused by children digging holes or tunnels, boulders displaced by climbers, rock ledges breaking off when a person stands or sits on them, and collapses caused by excavation. Landslides are often called landslips and the terms are interchangeable. Last updated June 2018Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown
Statement: Unknown
Issued: 2012
Last Update : 06 2018
text: westlimit=96; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=168; northlimit=-9
AU |
Application |
Earth Sciences |
National dataset |
Published_External |
geoscientificInformation |
landslides |
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Other Information
Download the Landslide Database (last updated June 2018)
- URI :
- global : c1f01610-e359-330f-e044-00144fdd4fa6