Brief description
Geoscience Australia acquired the Boulia Region Deep Crustal Seismic Survey in two stages during 2014 and 2015. The survey involved the acquisition of seismic reflection and gravity data along three traverses, 14GA-CF2 (369km), 14GA-CF3 (339km) and 15GA-CF3 (140km). Traverse CF3 was carried out over two campaigns with a 6km overlap between the two lines. The purpose of the survey was to establish the architecture of the southern Mount Isa Inlier as well as determining the depth of sediment cover over the Proterozoic basement. The project was collaboration between the Geological Survey of Queensland and Geoscience Australia with funding from the Queensland Governments Future Resources (Mount Isa Geophysics) Program. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 2015
text: westlimit=138.5; southlimit=-26; eastlimit=143.5; northlimit=-22
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Processed Seismic Package
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- global : 257a13d5-5d2a-f961-e053-10a3070afaef