Brief description
Processed Stacked and Migrated SEG-Y seismic data and section images for the Youanmi Deep Crustal Seismic Survey. This survey was conducted under a National Geoscience Agreement with the Western Australia Geological Survey. Funding was through the Onshore Energy Security Program and Western Australia's Exploration Incentive Scheme. The objective of the survey was to image the northwest Yilgarn Craton to the Ida Fault crossing the Meekatharra structural zone, a focus of gold mineralization. Data are supplied as SEG-Y files, TIFF and PDF images. Raw data for this survey are available on request from
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknownIssued: 2012
text: westlimit=116.5; southlimit=-28.5; eastlimit=121; northlimit=-26
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Processed Seismic Package
uri :
Raw Data Package (only available on request to Client Services)
uri :
- URI :
- global : c523c6bc-29be-21dd-e044-00144fdd4fa6