Brief description
The Officer Basin project was a co-operative project jointly conducted by Geoscience Australia (GA) and the South Australian Department of Mines and Energy (DMESA) as part of the National Geoscience Mapping Accord (NGMA). The goals of the 1993 seismic acquisition in the Officer Basin were to provide a regional network of traverses to develop a cross section and evaluate basin morphology. The acquisition was designed to image the basin fill, with the aim of extending the stratigraphic control in the eastern Officer Basin into the central portion of this basin. The survey comprised five lines totalling 550 km in length. In 2021, Geoscience Australia commissioned reprocessing of these legacy 2D seismic data as part of the Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program, to improve data quality and better image reflective structural features in the region. Velseis Processing Pty Ltd carried out the reprocessing from March to August 2021. GA managed the reprocessing project, undertook quality control of the data processing and archived the processed data. This dataset includes metadata, images and SEGY files for pre-migration stacks, pre-stack time and depth migration stacks, and post-stack migration data. The images and SEGY files are derived from the Velseis final SEGY files. The reprocessed dataset is available for download. Raw data and the Velseis data package for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74944Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknownIssued: 1994
Data time period: 1991-05-06 to 1991-05-18
text: westlimit=129.5; southlimit=-30.0; eastlimit=132.0; northlimit=-27.0; projection=AGD66 / AMG zone 52
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Processed Seismic Data (File download)
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Reprocessed 93AGS-01 [1.5 GB]
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Reprocessed 93AGS-03 [2.6 GB]
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Reprocessed 93AGS-04 [1.2 GB]
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Reprocessed 93AGS-05 [1.4 GB]
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Reprocessed 93AGS-06 [1.4 GB]
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Processed ancillary data [3.3 MB]
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- global : ce415703-fb00-1a1c-e044-00144fdd4fa6