Brief description
The Bureau of Mineral Resources conducted a seismic and gravity survey in the eastern Galilee Basin area from August to December 1976. Two traverses of the survey were recorded in the Clermont-Alpha area. Both traverses were recorded to investigate the relations between the Galilee, Drummond, and Adavale Basins in this area. Traverse 3 was recorded as a continuation of BMR 1971 Traverse A and extended this traverse to the outcrop of the Anakie Metamorphics. Traverse 4 was recorded to provide a tie between Jericho No. 1 well and the outcrop of the Drummond Basin Sediments on the Capricorn Highway. For the other two Galilee Basin surveys, please see L102 and L106. Raw data for this survey are available on request from - Quote eCat# 74977Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknownIssued: 1976
Data time period: 1976-08-01 to 1976-12-31
text: westlimit=144.0; southlimit=-24.0; eastlimit=147.5; northlimit=-20.5; projection=GDA94 / MGA zone 55 (EPSG:28355)
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