Brief description
Current geological surface mapping of the Officer Basin, W.A., by BMR has given an incomplete picture because the area is largely covered by flat-lying Permian fluvioglacials or lateritized Cretaceous rocks and the outcrops give no indication of the structure and composition of the sediments in most of the basin. The geological boundaries within the basin and at its margins are ill-defined, and the only reliable shallow subsurface information available from geophysical and well data is along the northern part of the basin near Warburton Mission. A seismic survey in the Officer BaSin, W.A., is planned to operate from mid-July to December 19720 The survey is to be conducted along a NE-SW line roughly following the road between Lake Throssell and Warburton Mission at the two margins of the basin. It will consist of a series of combined refraction and reflection probes located along the road. The operations will start with two probes near the centre of the basin, and the location of subsequent probes will depend on the progressive assessment of results. The results will be tied to those from the earlier seismic surveys in the northern part of the basin.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1972
Data time period: 1972-07-14 to 1972-11-20
text: westlimit=123.0; southlimit=-29.0; eastlimit=127.0; northlimit=-25.0
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