Brief description
A reconnaissance seismic reflection and refraction survey in the East Otway Basin, Victoria, was carried out by the Bereau of Mineral Resources from mid-February to mid-June 1967. The objective of the survey was to determine whether the gravity low areas of the Torquay Embayment and Port Phillip Sub-Basin in the eastern part of the Otway Basin contain thick Cretaceous sediments like those which has shown potential hydrocarbon source and reservoir characteristics in the western part of the Otway Basin. Nine reflection and five refraction traverses were recorded in the gravity low areas of the Barwon Trough and Port Phillip Sub-basin. Single-coverage reflection results of variable quality were obtained. Evidence for the presence of Tertiary section is provided by shallow reflections of good to fair quality, but the evidence for Cretaceous sediments is tenuous because of the poor quality of the deeper reflections, some of which may be multiples. The presence of several faults, onlappings and pinch-outs is also indicated. The refraction results are considered unreliable because of the difficulty of interpreting the discontinuous profiles and because of the mapped and suspected faults and pinch-outs in the sections.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1974
Data time period: 1967-02-15 to 1967-06-15
text: westlimit=144.0; southlimit=-38.5; eastlimit=145.0; northlimit=-38.0
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