Brief description
Seismic reflection studies in the Perth Basin, between the coast and the Darling Range, 30 miles north of Perth, were conducted in an attempt to derive a suitable recording technique for obtaining reflections when shooting on the Coastal Limestone formation, to investigate geological structure in the basin,and to supplement hydrological studies being madeby the Geological Survey of Western Australia. Experimental work occupying half of the survey period failed to yield a technique for obtaining seismic reflections on the Coastal Limestone, but led to reflections being obtained across the major part of the basin, Record quality with a fairly heavy technique was poor to fair in the western half of the basin off the Coastal Limestone but improved considerably to the east. A complex geological section in the west gave way to a more concordant thick synclinal section in the east, terminated at its eastern end by the Darling Fault. Of interest is an apparent anticlinal reversal of dip in beds lying deeper than 7000 ft,with the reversal axis near the centre of the major gravity 'low' of the basin.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1964
Data time period: 1964-03-13 to 1964-03-23
text: westlimit=115.75; southlimit=-31.75; eastlimit=116.5; northlimit=-31.5
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