Brief description
The Bureau of Mineral Resources carried out a total of .12 crew months of reconnaissance and experimental seismic work in the Boulia - Bedourie area of the southeastern Georgina Basin in western Queensland during 1963-1964. The results show that the Toko Syncline extends south-eastwards under Mesozoic sediments, alluvial cover, and sand at least as far as the Sandringham - Lake Wickamunna area. In the area east of Pulchera, Waterhole, the Toko Syncline was shown to contain up to about 15,000 ft of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments and there was evidence of a considerable thickness of Proterozoic sediments beneath these. The cross-sectional shape of the Toko Syncline was defined, except for its western margin where results were poor and structure complex.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknownIssued: 1991
Data time period: 1963-04-26 to 1964-10-26
text: westlimit=138.5; southlimit=-24.5; eastlimit=140.5; northlimit=-23.0; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
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