Brief description
Towa.:ccis the end of 1960 , the Bureau. of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics made a brief seismic survey in the Winton area of Queensland to resolve an apparent contradiction between the interpretations of gravity and aeromagnetic results previously obtained in the area. Gravity and aeromagnetic results both suggested the occurrence of a large fault or fault zone about 20 miles north-west of Winton, but the gravity and aeromagnetic interpretations differed regarding the direction of throw of the fault. A nine-mile seismic reflection traverse was surveyed across the supposed fault. The seismic results indicate the presence of a large fault or monoclinal fold with dowthrown side nouth-wast as suggested by the gravity values and also a smaller fault or monocline about two miles south-east with downthrown side south-east. The variations in thckness of Mesozoic rocks caused by these features were insufficient to explain the observed Bouguer gravity anomaly values, but the seismic results left open the possibilitues that there may be a considerable thickness of pre-Mesozoic sedimemts north-west of the main monocline or fault. It is postulated that the steep gravity gradient observed may be due to a large fault whose main movement took place in pre-Mesozoic times. Indications are that there is 5000 to 6000 ft of Mesozoic sediments in tha area.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1964
Data time period: 1960-11-28 to 1960-12-09
text: westlimit=142.5; southlimit=-22.5; eastlimit=143.25; northlimit=-22.0
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