Brief description
On 30th March 1960, a seismic velocity survey was made in the A.A.O. Timbury Hills No. 2 bore, jointly by the Bureau of Mineral Resources and Associated Australian Oilfields N.L. The bore had been drilled to a depth of 4400 ft and was surveyed to a depth of 4304 ft below the rotary table. There remains a doubt whether the breaks recorded on the well geephone were, in fact, cable breaks, particularly between 2300 and 3305 ft below the rotary table. The interpretation has boon made with the belief that true breaks wore recorded. Average and interval velocities were computed and are acceptable geologically. Sandstones, particularly cemented ones, have Renerally higher velocities than shale. The average velocity of the Mesozoic sequence is about 9800 ft/sec. A velocity of 17,980 ft/sec was measured at the bottom of the bore and corresponds to the Timbury Hills Formation of unknown age. The Moolayember Shale has a low velocity calculated as 8360 ft/sec.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1962
Data time period: 1960-03-30 to 1960-03-30
text: westlimit=148.75; southlimit=-27.0; eastlimit=149.25; northlimit=-26.5
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