Brief description
In October and November 1959 a seismic party from the Bureau of Mineral Resources carried out a seismic survey in the Surat Basin, Queensland at the request of Australian Oil and Gas Corporation Ltd. A traverse extending from Surat eastward to within 10 miles of Tara was shot in five-mile sections of continuous reflection profiling with approximately five-mile intervals between the sections.^In addition two refraction traverses were shot near Surat to record velocities and depths of as many horizons as possible. Reflections were of fair to good quality throughout the survey and it was possible to correlate bands of reflections from one five-mile section to the next with considerable certainty. Over most of the traverses four reflecting horizons were followed, and in a few places reflections were obtained from a still deeper fifth horizon. The reflection survey revealed a wide basin between Surat and Cabawin (about 70 miles east of Surat), with its maximum thickness of sediments under Meandarra. The sediments there appear to be at least 19,000 ft thick. A marked anticline was discovered near Cabawtin. The refraction survey, using the "Depth Probing" method, revealed a refractor with a calculated velocity of 20,180 ft/sec situated about 1000 ft below the fourth reflecting horizon.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1960
Data time period: 1959-10-06 to 1959-10-08
text: westlimit=148.5; southlimit=-28.5; eastlimit=152.0; northlimit=-27.0
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