Brief description
An experimental seismic survey using both refraction and reflection techniques was carried out in April, 1958, near Morwell in the Latrobe Valley at the request of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. The object of the survey was to find if the method was of value in mapping the structure of the coal measures of the Latrobe Valley and in providing information on the depth to and type of basement underlying the coal measures. Work was concentrated in an area south-west of Morwell on the southern limb of the Latrobe Syncline. The results obtained indicate that the seismic method may be applied successfully to geological problems of the Latrobe Valley and may provide useful control data for the interpretation of surface geological and gravity mapping. Various interpretations of the results are discussed and although some ambiguity exists, it might be overcome when more work is done, particularly if an accurate knowledge of the velocities of the coal easures is obtained. It has been possible by means of refraction work to map the extension of the basalt which crops out on the southern margin of the Latrobe Syncline beneath the coal measures with reasonable certainty.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1959
Modified: 08 04 2019
Data time period: 1956-11-01 to 1956-11-30
text: westlimit=145.5; southlimit=-39.0; eastlimit=147.0; northlimit=-38.0
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