Brief description
An experimental seismic survey was conducted at Haddon Downs, South Australia, during Octobor and November.1957. The area lies within the Eromanga Sub-basin of the Great Artesian Basin, and at least 5,500 feet of Mesozoic section are known to exist there, part of which is of a marine facies. Preliminary reconnaissance work by geologists of Santos Ltd. which holds an Oil Prospecting Licence over the area, revealed some large anticlines on the surface. The Company has already completed a limited amount of gravity work which gives promise of supplying useful information on both regional and detailed subsurface structure. Two important refractors were recorded which may be useful for semi-regional mapping. A refractor of velocity 10,250 ft/sec. was recorded from a depth of about 2,700 feet, and this may represent the top of the marine Cretaceous section. The second refractor of velocity 17,000 ft/sec. and aidoroximate depth 7,250 feet may be just below the base of the Mesozoic section. Large multiple geophone arrays and pattern shots were needed to obtain good quality reflections over most of the area, except when shooting on the alluvial plains of the larger creeks. The sedimentary section was shown to be at least 8,000 feet and possibly 16,000 feet thick, The base of the Mesozoic section is interpreted as being 7,250 feet deep on the refraction traverse and 8,600 feet at the south-east end of the reflecta.on traverse. The rest of the section probably consists of Palaeozoic sediments. If so, the high velocity (17,000 ft/sec.) suggests that a dense elastic or crystalline limestone is probably present near the top of them. The structure of the Mesozoic section is subhorizontal, but there may be minor structures with dips less than 1 degree which correlate with the surface structures.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1959
Data time period: 1957-09-23 to 1957-11-29
text: westlimit=140.5; southlimit=-27.0; eastlimit=141.0; northlimit=-26.0
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