Brief description
An experimental seismograph survey was carried out near Heywood in the Western District Basin, south-western Victoria, during November and December, 1956 by the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. The work was requested by Frome-Broken Hill Pty. Ltd. and was intended primarily to ascertain if reflections from deoper sediments could be recorded through a surface layer of basalt which covers considerable areas in the Western District of Victoria. Several short traverses were shot during the survey at places where a variety of surface conditions for seismic exploration could be tested. Pattern and air-shooting techniques were tried as well as the conventional single shot-hole technique. Good reflections were recorded from depths down to eleven thousand feet in areas where there was no basalt. Some apparent reflections of poor quality were recorded at times as great as 5 seconds after the shot was fired. An attempt has been made to correlate the reflections with stratigraphic horizons. Reflections were obtained from strata beneath a basalt cover in some places when explosive charges were fired in single shot holes; reflection quality was improved when pattern and air-shooting techniques were used.It was not possible to record reflections through a cover of tuff containing basalt bands on the slopes of Mt. Clay. Pattern and air-shooting were tried unsuccessfully. Sub-surface information in the Heywood area is obtainable by seismic exploration and techniques for gaining the best information from the seismic method are discussed.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1958
Data time period: 1956-11-09 to 1956-12-07
text: westlimit=141.5; southlimit=-38.25; eastlimit=142.0; northlimit=-38.0
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