Brief description
A seismic velocity survey was carried out in Associated Freney Oilfields Nerrima No. 1 Bore by the Bureau of Mineral Resources on the 10th August 1955. The well is situated on the Nerrima Dome in the Fitzroy Basin, W.A. Some trouble was experienced with cable breaks for the shallow part of the hole, but in general it was possible to recognise the true formation break. Average measured velocities ranged from 8000 ft/sec near the top to 12,200 ft/sec for the total depth of the bore.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1962
Data time period: 1955-08-10 to 1955-08-10
text: westlimit=124.0; southlimit=-18.5; eastlimit=124.75; northlimit=-18.0
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