Brief description
A seismic reflection survey was made to the south-west, south and east of the Poole Range Structure, Kimberley Division, W.A. as an extension of a previous seismic survey. The results obtained confirm the surface information and show the existence of an anticlinal structure l the axis of which plunges to the east and whose axial plane probably dips to the south. A total thickness of sediments of the order of 20,000 feet is shown. Some slight evidence of deep faulting down to 10,000 feet was recorded, but is not conclusive. Insufficient evidence was obtained to select a site for a test bore, but further seismic work is not recommended at present.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1956
Data time period: 1954-06-01 to 1954-08-31
text: westlimit=125.0; southlimit=-19.0; eastlimit=126.0; northlimit=-18.0
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- global : de4ecded-0882-7494-e044-00144fdd4fa6