Brief description
At the request of West Australian Petroleum Pty. Ltd. and the Department of Mines, Western Australia, the Bureau carried out a seismic velocity survey in Rough Range No.1 Well, with the object of obtaining velocity distribution data for use in the interpretation of results of seismic refraction surveys in the area. Twenty-two shots were fired from a shot point about 1,000 feet from the well. Geophone depths in the welI ranged from 2,000 feet to 14,000 feet, usually at intervals of 500 feet, but the intervals were varied at points where there was a significant change in the stratigraphy. Recordings from 16 of the shots were used in the calculations. Results indicated that, as would be expected, the hard crystalline limestone which comprises the top 700 feet of section has a much higher velocity than the clastic limestones which underlie it. An abrupt velocity change from 7,100 ft/sec. to 12,600 ft/sec. at 3,250 feet corresponds approximately with the change from Windalia Radiolarite to Muderong shale, and also with a density change from 2.1 to 2.4. A second major velocity change from 12,600 ft/sec. to 16,500 ft/sec. at 6,800 feet also corresponds approximately with a density change from 2.5 to 2.7. An abnormal increase in velocity recorded at about 9,000 feet must be considered as very doubtful and velocities at this depth have been averaged.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 1955
Data time period: 1955-02-21 to 1955-02-22
text: westlimit=114.0; southlimit=-22.75; eastlimit=114.5; northlimit=-22.0
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