
Koala survival analysis and Leslie matrices

The University of Queensland
Dr Hawthorne Beyer (Aggregated by) Dr Hawthorne Beyer (Aggregated by)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.14264/uql.2017.1046&rft.title=Koala survival analysis and Leslie matrices&rft.identifier=10.14264/uql.2017.1046&rft.publisher=The University of Queensland&rft.description=These data relate to survival analysis and population simulations. The following three components are included: Joey survival outcomes (joey_survival.csv) Fields: 1. joeyid: a unique identifier for the joey (each row is a unique joey) 2. dob: Estimated date of birth 3. date: Date of the current observation 4. daysdob: The number of days between the date of the observation and the date of birth 5. daysorigin: The number of days between the date of the observation and the origin date of the project (2013-03-18) 6. dead: A binary field indicating whether the joey was dead (1) or alive (0) at the date of the observation 7. motherdead: A categorical variable indicating the status of the joey's mother at the observation date: (0 = mother alive; 1 = mother dead, so joey died; 2 = joey died independent of mother) Adult koala survival outcomes (koala_survival.csv) Each record in this table corresponds to an interval of time, and the history of a single individual may span multiple records. Note that the time intervals may not be contiguous as any interval in which the koala remained in care and, therefore, not exposed to threats in the wild, has been removed. The interval period is reported with respect to the origin date of the project, and with respect to the estimated date of birth of the koala. Fields: 1. starttime: The start of the interval, measured as the number of days since the origin date of the project (2013-03-18) 2. stoptime: The end of the interval, measured as the number of days since the origin date of the project (2013-03-18) 3. startage: The age of the koala at the start of the interval, measured as the number of days since the estimated date of birth 4. stopage: The age of the koala at the end of the interval, measured as the number of days since the estimated date of birth 5. event: The status of the koala at the end of the interval (0 = alive, 1 = dead) 6. uuid: A unique identified for the koala 7. sex: The sex of the koala 8. trans: A binary variable indicating whether the koala was translocated (1) or not (0). Leslie matrices (leslie_matrices.RData) This R ( data file contains four Leslie matrices, corresponding to each of the four years of the project. See the Supplementary Material for a description of these matrices. Specifically, when you load this data object using: load(file=leslie_matrices.RData) an object called leslie will be created in R. This is a list of four matrices. So the matrix for each of the four years can be accessed as follows: leslie[[1]] leslie[[2]] leslie[[3]] leslie[[4]]&rft.creator=Dr Hawthorne Beyer&rft.creator=Dr Hawthorne Beyer&,-27.259513&rft_rights= dog-related koala mortality&rft_subject=Koala - Diseases&rft_subject=Koala -- Ecology -- Queensland, Southeastern&rft_subject=Population Ecology&rft_subject=BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES&rft_subject=ECOLOGY&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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These data relate to survival analysis and population simulations. The following three components are included: Joey survival outcomes (joey_survival.csv) Fields: 1. joeyid: a unique identifier for the joey (each row is a unique joey) 2. dob: Estimated date of birth 3. date: Date of the current observation 4. daysdob: The number of days between the date of the observation and the date of birth 5. daysorigin: The number of days between the date of the observation and the origin date of the project (2013-03-18) 6. dead: A binary field indicating whether the joey was dead (1) or alive (0) at the date of the observation 7. motherdead: A categorical variable indicating the status of the joey's mother at the observation date: (0 = mother alive; 1 = mother dead, so joey died; 2 = joey died independent of mother) Adult koala survival outcomes (koala_survival.csv) Each record in this table corresponds to an interval of time, and the history of a single individual may span multiple records. Note that the time intervals may not be contiguous as any interval in which the koala remained in care and, therefore, not exposed to threats in the wild, has been removed. The interval period is reported with respect to the origin date of the project, and with respect to the estimated date of birth of the koala. Fields: 1. starttime: The start of the interval, measured as the number of days since the origin date of the project (2013-03-18) 2. stoptime: The end of the interval, measured as the number of days since the origin date of the project (2013-03-18) 3. startage: The age of the koala at the start of the interval, measured as the number of days since the estimated date of birth 4. stopage: The age of the koala at the end of the interval, measured as the number of days since the estimated date of birth 5. event: The status of the koala at the end of the interval (0 = alive, 1 = dead) 6. uuid: A unique identified for the koala 7. sex: The sex of the koala 8. trans: A binary variable indicating whether the koala was translocated (1) or not (0). Leslie matrices (leslie_matrices.RData) This R ( data file contains four Leslie matrices, corresponding to each of the four years of the project. See the Supplementary Material for a description of these matrices. Specifically, when you load this data object using: load(file="leslie_matrices.RData") an object called "leslie" will be created in R. This is a list of four matrices. So the matrix for each of the four years can be accessed as follows: leslie[[1]] leslie[[2]] leslie[[3]] leslie[[4]]

Issued: 2017

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