ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=http://portal.aodn.org.au/&rft.title=IMOS National Reference Station (NRS) - Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Secchi Depth&rft.identifier=http://portal.aodn.org.au/&rft.description=This dataset comprises the measurement of Secchi Depth and Total suspended solids (inorganic and organic components) analysed from samples collected as part of the Integrated Marine Observing Systems (IMOS) National Mooring Network -National Reference Station (NRS) field sampling. Nine Sites are included in the IMOS NRS field sampling stations. Maria Island (TAS), Kangaroo Island (SA), Esperance (WA), Rottnest Island (WA), Ningaloo (WA), Darwin (NT), Yongala (QLD), North Stradbroke Island (QLD) and Port Hacking 100 (NSW). Sampling at these sites is conducted by several members of IMOS NRS Biogeochemical project. Sampling at the sites began between 29/9/2008 and 8/11/2010 and is currently ongoing for 7 sites. Sampling ceased at Ningaloo and Esperance (WA) sites in Aug/Sept 2013. Sampling is conducted monthly (Esperance and Ningaloo were 3 monthly) off small vessels. Details including information on station locations, depths sampled, sample regime, sample types collected, and analyses can be found in the “IMOS National Reference Stations Biogeochemical Operations Manual” (see link below to latest version, plus link to previous versions and supplementary documentation). Historical data collected as part of CSIRO Coastal Monitoring program is available for three of the National Reference Station sites: Maria Island Coastal Station Data 1944-2008, Port Hacking 100m Coastal Station Data 1953-2010 and Rottnest Island Coastal Station Data 1951-2009. The links to the metadata and access for these data is provided below. Data storage and access is planned to be interoperable with other national and international programs through the IMOS Infrastructure. Station metadata can be found through this resource. **This dataset has been superseded by the IMOS - Combined Biogeochemical parameters (reference stations) collection that is available at https://catalogue-imos.aodn.org.au/geonetwork/srv/api/records/b442c3e8-3d30-48ad-b144-680afd848167 (this collection was removed from the AODN Portal in February 2022).**Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededStatement: Data sampling is being conducted as part of a larger IMOS monitoring program. The water samples are analysed at CSIRO laboratories, and stored in an Oracle database.The analysis data are exported to IMOS.&rft.creator=Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) &rft.date=2008&rft.coverage=115,-33 115,-31 116,-31 116,-33 115,-33&rft.coverage=130,-13 130,-12 131,-12 131,-13 130,-13&rft.coverage=147,-20 147,-19 148,-19 148,-20 147,-20&rft.coverage=113,-22 113,-21 114,-21 114,-22 113,-22&rft.coverage=153,-28 153,-27 154,-27 154,-28 153,-28&rft.coverage=136,-36 136,-35 137,-35 137,-36 136,-36&rft.coverage=121,-34 121,-33 122,-33 122,-34 121,-34&rft.coverage=151,-35 151,-34 152,-34 152,-35 151,-35&rft.coverage=148,-43 148,-42 149,-42 149,-43 148,-43&rft.coverage=uplimit=-25; downlimit=-105&rft.coverage=uplimit=-25; downlimit=-105&rft_rights=This material is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. The citation in a list of references is: IMOS [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]. Any users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source of the material derived from IMOS in the format: Data was sourced from Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) – IMOS is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure strategy (NCRIS).&rft_subject=biota&rft_subject=oceans&rft_subject=COASTAL HABITAT&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCE&rft_subject=BIOSPHERE&rft_subject=AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS&rft_subject=PELAGIC HABITAT&rft_subject=SECCHI DEPTH&rft_subject=OCEANS&rft_subject=OCEAN OPTICS&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | Indian Ocean&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Great Australian Bight, SA/WA&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | Pacific Ocean&rft_subject=Regional Seas | Timor Sea&rft_subject=Regional Seas | Tasman Sea&rft_subject=Regional Seas | Coral Sea&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Kangaroo Island, SA&rft_subject=Countries | Australia&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Ningaloo Marine Park, WA&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Rottnest Island, WA&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | New South Wales&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | Northern Territory&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | Queensland&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | Victoria&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | Tasmania&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | South Australia&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | Western Australia&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Maria Island, TAS&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | North Stradbroke Island, QLD&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | Port Hacking, NSW&rft_subject=Coastal Cities / Towns (Australia) | Darwin, NT&rft_subject=Coastal Cities / Towns (Australia) | Esperance, WA&rft_subject=small boat&rft_subject=Concentration of suspended particulate material (inorganic) per unit volume of the water body&rft_subject=Concentration of suspended particulate material (organic) per unit volume of the water body&rft_subject=Concentration of suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water body&rft_subject=Secchi depth&rft_subject=discrete water samplers&rft_subject=transmissometers&rft_subject=National Reference Stations Sub-Facility, Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

Licence & Rights:

view details

This material is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. The citation in a list of references is: "IMOS [year-of-data-download], [Title], [data-access-URL], accessed [date-of-access]." Any users of IMOS data are required to clearly acknowledge the source of the material derived from IMOS in the format: "Data was sourced from Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) – IMOS is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure strategy (NCRIS)."



Brief description

This dataset comprises the measurement of Secchi Depth and Total suspended solids (inorganic and organic components) analysed from samples collected as part of the Integrated Marine Observing Systems (IMOS) National Mooring Network -National Reference Station (NRS) field sampling. Nine Sites are included in the IMOS NRS field sampling stations. Maria Island (TAS), Kangaroo Island (SA), Esperance (WA), Rottnest Island (WA), Ningaloo (WA), Darwin (NT), Yongala (QLD), North Stradbroke Island (QLD) and Port Hacking 100 (NSW). Sampling at these sites is conducted by several members of IMOS NRS Biogeochemical project. Sampling at the sites began between 29/9/2008 and 8/11/2010 and is currently ongoing for 7 sites. Sampling ceased at Ningaloo and Esperance (WA) sites in Aug/Sept 2013. Sampling is conducted monthly (Esperance and Ningaloo were 3 monthly) off small vessels. Details including information on station locations, depths sampled, sample regime, sample types collected, and analyses can be found in the “IMOS National Reference Stations Biogeochemical Operations Manual” (see link below to latest version, plus link to previous versions and supplementary documentation). Historical data collected as part of CSIRO Coastal Monitoring program is available for three of the National Reference Station sites: Maria Island Coastal Station Data 1944-2008, Port Hacking 100m Coastal Station Data 1953-2010 and Rottnest Island Coastal Station Data 1951-2009. The links to the metadata and access for these data is provided below. Data storage and access is planned to be interoperable with other national and international programs through the IMOS Infrastructure. Station metadata can be found through this resource. **This dataset has been superseded by the "IMOS - Combined Biogeochemical parameters (reference stations)" collection that is available at https://catalogue-imos.aodn.org.au/geonetwork/srv/api/records/b442c3e8-3d30-48ad-b144-680afd848167 (this collection was removed from the AODN Portal in February 2022).**


Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeeded
Statement: Data sampling is being conducted as part of a larger IMOS monitoring program. The water samples are analysed at CSIRO laboratories, and stored in an Oracle database.The analysis data are exported to IMOS.


These data are from the National Mooring Network, part of the Australia’s Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS). It is operated by a consortium of institutions as an unincorporated joint venture, with the University of Tasmania as Lead Agent.
Operation of the National Reference Station (NRS) sampling and analyses is provided by the IMOS NRS Biogeochemical (BGC) project and is distributed between several operators and is coordinated nationally. The secchi disk is taken by the boat sampling teams at each station. Total suspended solids analyses (2009- ) performed by Ros Watson (CMAR - Hobart).

Created: 09 2008

Data time period: 2008-09-01

This dataset is part of a larger collection

115,-33 115,-31 116,-31 116,-33 115,-33


130,-13 130,-12 131,-12 131,-13 130,-13


147,-20 147,-19 148,-19 148,-20 147,-20


113,-22 113,-21 114,-21 114,-22 113,-22


153,-28 153,-27 154,-27 154,-28 153,-28


136,-36 136,-35 137,-35 137,-36 136,-36


121,-34 121,-33 122,-33 122,-34 121,-34


151,-35 151,-34 152,-34 152,-35 151,-35


148,-43 148,-42 149,-42 149,-43 148,-43


text: uplimit=-25; downlimit=-105

AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS | BIOSPHERE | Coastal Habitat | Coastal Cities / Towns (Australia) | Darwin, NT | Coastal Cities / Towns (Australia) | Esperance, WA | Concentration of suspended particulate material (inorganic) per unit volume of the water body | Concentration of suspended particulate material (organic) per unit volume of the water body | Concentration of suspended particulate material per unit volume of the water body | Countries | Australia | EARTH SCIENCE | Global / Oceans | Indian Ocean | Global / Oceans | Pacific Ocean | Marine Features (Australia) | Great Australian Bight, SA/WA | Marine Features (Australia) | Kangaroo Island, SA | Marine Features (Australia) | Maria Island, TAS | Marine Features (Australia) | Ningaloo Marine Park, WA | Marine Features (Australia) | North Stradbroke Island, QLD | Marine Features (Australia) | Port Hacking, NSW | Marine Features (Australia) | Rottnest Island, WA | National Reference Stations Sub-Facility, Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) | OCEAN OPTICS | OCEANS | Pelagic Habitat | Regional Seas | Coral Sea | Regional Seas | Tasman Sea | Regional Seas | Timor Sea | Secchi Depth | Secchi depth | States, Territories (Australia) | New South Wales | States, Territories (Australia) | Northern Territory | States, Territories (Australia) | Queensland | States, Territories (Australia) | South Australia | States, Territories (Australia) | Tasmania | States, Territories (Australia) | Victoria | States, Territories (Australia) | Western Australia | biota | discrete water samplers | oceans | small boat | transmissometers |

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Other Information
National Reference Station (NRS) Sub-Facility metadata record (ANMN National Reference Station (NRS) Sub-Facility metadata record)

uri : https://catalogue-imos.aodn.org.au:443/geonetwork/srv/api/records/6c981d98-d7fb-4120-9ebe-347ef1188ae0

National Mooring Network - Home Page (Australian National Mooring Network)

uri : http://imos.org.au/nationalmooringnetwork.html

(IMOS NRS BGC Manual - Latest Version)

uri : http://content.aodn.org.au/Documents/IMOS/Facilities/national_mooring/IMOS_NRS_BGCManual_LATEST.pdf

(IMOS TSS Report)

uri : http://content.aodn.org.au/Documents/IMOS/Facilities/national_mooring/BGCManual_supplementary_documentation/IMOS TSS Report_updated June 2020.pdf

global : 6c981d98-d7fb-4120-9ebe-347ef1188ae0

  • URI : portal.aodn.org.au/
  • global : f439db64-5551-15d1-e043-08114f8ce23c
  • global : dfef238f-db69-3868-e043-08114f8c8a94
  • global : fa93c66e-0e55-7e1d-e043-08114f8c1b76