Brief description
This record contains data collected on the charter vessel Kenomie Spirit between the 6th and 9th February 2008 in the Fitzroy River Estuary. The data can be used for Ocean Colour sensor validation. Parameters measured are the concentration of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments and the absorption coefficient for dissolved (aCDOM) particulate (ap) and detrital or non-algal (ad) components of the water column. 13 stations were sampled. The data was used primarily to validate ocean colour sensors MERIS, MODIS and SeaWIFs. Samples CLW deployed instruments RAMSES, ac-9, and Hydroscat.Lineage
Progress Code: completedNotes
CreditLesley Clementson
David Blondeau-Patissier (CLW)
Vittorio Brando (CLW)
Data time period: 2008-02-06 to 2008-02-09
text: westlimit=150; southlimit=-23.4; eastlimit=151.1; northlimit=-23.2
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- Local : Anzlic Identifier: ANZCW0306014211
- Local : Marlin Record Number: 14211
- global : dc570b6f-639c-6d44-e043-08114f8c18bc