
Heatwaves cause relative fitness decline in aquatic insects by altering life history and host-pathogen relationships - Data and R scripts

Deakin University
Dr Rebecca Lester (Aggregated by) Galen Holt (Aggregated by) Georgia Dwyer (Aggregated by) Sarah Taig (Aggregated by)
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.26187/deakin.22565158.v1&rft.title=Heatwaves cause relative fitness decline in aquatic insects by altering life history and host-pathogen relationships - Data and R scripts&rft.identifier= University&rft.description=Data and r scripts related to the paper.InfectTempDataStored -Daily data from saprolegnia experimental heatwave experiment 2021. Data includes egg mass identification and the related infection, hatching and dead eggs for each day until the completion of the experiment.column namesDate - Date of observationDay - Numbered day of experiment on given dateTemps - Temperature name given to each treatment. 22.5 = High, 12.5 = Low and Spike = SpikePersonnel - Initials of individuals taking observations on given day/dateRo_ID - Identification number of rockCl_ID - identification number of clusters of egg masses on a given rockEM_ID - identification number ofegg masses within a cluster on a given rockIsEdge - y/n as to whether an egg mass is on the outside of a cluster or entirely surrounded by other egg massesRiffle - Location where the rock was collected fromInfect% - estimated percent of infected eggs on given day/dateHatch% - estimated percent of hatched eggs on a given dat/date from healthy eggs. infected eggs not includedD_Eggs - presence of dead eggs which are not infected 1 = yes, 0 = no. infected eggs not includednotes - notes for individual egg massesEgg_count - number of egg in each egg massNeonate_count - number of neonates counted for each rock, only labelled in one egg mass per rock as they are counted at the rock scale. changed to neonates per rock in rStudioInfectTempScript.r -r script analysing above dataFirst5DaysScript.r -same data set as above script but filter to only the first 5 daysfungusHelpers.r -functions used in previous two scriptsPopulationModelScript.r -script where the population modelling occurs.maxtempsurvivalmodelpreds + sustainestemphatchmodelpreds are used in this script after being created in the InfectTempScriptLOW, SPIKE and HIGH life table .xlxs are also used in this scriptTempLoggers.r -Script where the temp loggers from the lab experiment are uploaded and cut to the right date/time for visualisation&rft.creator=Dr Rebecca Lester&rft.creator=Galen Holt&rft.creator=Georgia Dwyer&rft.creator=Sarah Taig& change&rft_subject=Hydrobiosidae&rft_subject=Heatwaves&rft_subject=Caddisflies&rft_subject=Parasitism&rft_subject=Disease Ecology&rft_subject=Life table modelling&rft_subject=Freshwater Ecology&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Data and r scripts related to the paper.

InfectTempDataStored -

Daily data from saprolegnia experimental heatwave experiment 2021. Data includes egg mass identification and the related infection, hatching and dead eggs for each day until the completion of the experiment.

column names

Date - Date of observation

Day - Numbered day of experiment on given date

Temps - Temperature name given to each treatment. 22.5 = High, 12.5 = Low and Spike = Spike

Personnel - Initials of individuals taking observations on given day/date

Ro_ID - Identification number of rock

Cl_ID - identification number of clusters of egg masses on a given rock

EM_ID - identification number ofegg masses within a cluster on a given rock

IsEdge - y/n as to whether an egg mass is on the outside of a cluster or entirely surrounded by other egg masses

Riffle - Location where the rock was collected from

Infect% - estimated percent of infected eggs on given day/date

Hatch% - estimated percent of hatched eggs on a given dat/date from healthy eggs. infected eggs not included

D_Eggs - presence of dead eggs which are not infected 1 = yes, 0 = no. infected eggs not included

notes - notes for individual egg masses

Egg_count - number of egg in each egg mass

Neonate_count - number of neonates counted for each rock, only labelled in one egg mass per rock as they are counted at the rock scale. changed to neonates per rock in rStudio

InfectTempScript.r -

r script analysing above data

First5DaysScript.r -

same data set as above script but filter to only the first 5 days

fungusHelpers.r -

functions used in previous two scripts

PopulationModelScript.r -

script where the population modelling occurs.

maxtempsurvivalmodelpreds + sustainestemphatchmodelpreds are used in this script after being created in the InfectTempScript

LOW, SPIKE and HIGH life table .xlxs are also used in this script

TempLoggers.r -

Script where the temp loggers from the lab experiment are uploaded and cut to the right date/time for visualisation

Issued: 2025-01-20

Created: 2025-01-20

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