Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.1594/PANGAEA.830076&rft.title=Habitat map of Kubulau, Fiji derived from a high-spatial-resolution multi-spectral satellite image using object based image analysis.&rft.identifier=10.1594/PANGAEA.830076&rft.publisher=The University of Queensland&rft.description=These classified maps were provided in ArcMap shapefile format. Projection used was Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 60 South and Datum used was WGS 84.&rft.creator=Associate Professor Chris Roelfsema&rft.creator=Associate Professor Chris Roelfsema&rft.creator=Associate Professor Simon Albert&rft.creator=Associate Professor Simon Albert&rft.creator=Ms Stacy Jupiter&rft.creator=Phinn, Stuart&rft.creator=Phinn, Stuart&rft.creator=Professor Stuart Phinn&rft.creator=Professor Stuart Phinn&rft.creator=Roelfsema, Christiaan&rft.creator=Roelfsema, Christiaan&,-16.826275 179.129333,-16.826275 179.129333,-17.251690 178.849182,-17.251690 178.849182,-16.826275&rft_rights=2015, The University of Queensland&rft_rights= Mapping&rft_subject=Remote Sensing&rft_subject=Kubulau&rft_subject=Environmental Management&rft_subject=ECOLOGY&rft_subject=BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES&rft_subject=Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience not elsewhere classified&rft_subject=EARTH SCIENCES&rft_subject=PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL GEOSCIENCE&rft_subject=ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT&rft_subject=ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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2015, The University of Queensland



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These classified maps were provided in ArcMap shapefile format. Projection used was Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 60 South and Datum used was WGS 84.

Issued: 2015

Data time period: Data collected from: 2002-01-01T00:00:00Z
Data collected to: 2007-01-01T00:00:00Z

This dataset is part of a larger collection

178.84918,-16.82628 179.12933,-16.82628 179.12933,-17.25169 178.84918,-17.25169 178.84918,-16.82628


Other Information
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Research Data Collections

local : UQ:289097

School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management Publications

local : UQ:161208
