Brief description
This data set compiles information on components of the water balance from plot scale studies around Australia and in particular those studies that have identified groundwater discharge through vegetation as a component of the water balance. The data has been collated from published literature in journal article and reports. It provides spatial coverage of field estimates of discharge conducted across Australia as identified by the review: O'Grady A, Carter J and Holland K (2010) Review of Australian groundwater discharge studies of terrestrial systems. CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research.
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown
Statement: Unknown
Issued: 2011
text: westlimit=96.0; southlimit=-44.0; eastlimit=168.0; northlimit=-9.0
AU |
Earth Sciences |
GIS Dataset |
National |
National dataset |
Published_External |
geoscientificInformation |
groundwater |
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Datasets for use with the Recharge-Discharge Estimator Suite spreadsheets (Related Product)
- URI :
- global : a05f7893-00b6-7506-e044-00144fdd4fa6