Brief description
The Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System ( GBROOS) is an observation network that seeks to understand the influence of the Coral Sea on continental shelf ecosystems in north-east Queensland including the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park. In the next decade, GBROOS will monitor the effect of rising ocean temperatures on the incidence of coral bleaching, and on the frequency of regional upwelling that fuels productivity in sections of the GBR. In the longer term. GBROOS will monitor the impact of global climate change upon ocean chemistry that threatens the survival of calcifying organisms. This record is a parent record for the various components within GBROOS. Please see these other records for more information about that component. GBROOS is made up of five components that are directly managed within GBROOS as well as equipment from other IMOS Facilities that may be deployed in the Great Barrier Reef such as the HF Radar (ACORN Facility). The components are:- An up-grade to the Townsville Remote Sensing Receiving Station, located at AIMS; - The installation of under-way sampling systems on a number of Ships of Opportunity; - The installation of a Townsville and Darwin Reference Mooring as part of the Australian National Mooring Network facility under IMOS; - The installation of a Mooring Array along the GBR to measure and monitor the movement of oceanic water onto the GBR; - The installation of sensor networks at seven reef sites along the GBR.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
CreditBainbridge, Scott, Mr (Point Of Contact)
Modified: 17 10 2024
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Integrating observations: an example from the Great Barrier Reef: Bainbridge S, Steinberg CR and Heron ML (2010) Integrating observations: an example from the Great Barrier Reef. Sea Technology 51: 33-38.
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GBROOS An Ocean Observing System for the Great Barrier Reef: Bainbridge S (2010) GBROOS - An Ocean Observing System for the Great Barrier Reef. pp. 529-533. In: Riegl B and Dodge R (eds) 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, July 7-11, 2008. National Coral Reef Institute, Nova Southeastern University.
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Sensor networks on the Great Barrier Reef - managing marine sensor data: Bainbridge S, Rehbein MA, Feather G and Eggeling D (2008) Sensor networks on the Great Barrier Reef - managing marine sensor data. pp. 19-25. In: Gries CG and Jones MB (eds) Proceedings of the Environmental Information Management Conference 2008. University of New Mexico.
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IMOS: Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System (GBROOS)
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