
Gordon William Beaton

Also known as: Gordon William Beaton
National Library of Australia
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Brief description

Gordon Beaton worked as a motor mechanic with J.W. McKenzie Motors, which manufactured military equipment in World War II under his supervision. He gained recognition from the Department of Munitions for his standard of work. In 1958 he moved to Camperdown and established a garage and dealership called "Beaton & Son". Later in life he became interested in photographing plants, particularly fungus. He collected specimens and worked with various academics and naturalists in mycological identification. He wrote thirty-eight papers during 1976-1986, most of which were included in the Transactions of the British Mycological Society, introducing five new genera and forty-eight new species.

Full description

Gordon William Beaton (1911-1988), motor mechanic and mycologist, was born on 14 June 1911 at Lismore, Victoria, only child of William Beaton, a Victorian-born boundary rider, and his wife Elizabeth, née...
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