Brief description
These data are the time series seismograph, hydroacoustic and infrasound data recorded from Australian National Seismograph Network (ANSN) observatories in Australia, islands in the Pacific, Southern and Indian Ocean's and the Australian Antarctic Territory. ANSN observatories include facilities operated by Geoscience Australia in collaboration with other international agencies. These data are acquired for the purpose of the detection and location of earthquakes and tsunamigenic events within the Australian continent and its surrounds. The dataset is also used to meet a subset of Australia's obligations to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) to fulfil Australia's commitment to nuclear explosion monitoring. The seismic waveform data records seismic events to allow for the detection, location estimation (position and depth) and magnitude of earthquakes of magnitude of 3.0 or greater anywhere in Australia. Seismic (Digital). Seismograms (Physical plots (paper & film) and Digital Scans).Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 2011
text: westlimit=75.0; southlimit=-50.0; eastlimit=175.0; northlimit=0.0
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Infrasound Monitoring (Related Product)
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- global : c6cdee3f-f252-3715-e044-00144fdd4fa6