Brief description
This dataset contains scanned geomagnetic magnetogram records from Australian Geomagnetic Observatories. Files names delineate the observatory, observation year, type of data, month range, folder and page. e.g. TOO 1985 GRAM - JUL - AUG - 73_00031 (TOO: Toolangi Observatory)(1985: Year)(GRAM: Magnetogram)(JUL - AUG: month range)(73_00031: Folder and page). Files are stored as station and year based PDF and individual tiff files per page.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededIssued: 11 08 2020
text: westlimit=112.00; southlimit=-44.00; eastlimit=154.00; northlimit=-9.00
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Mawson Observatory (MAW)
uri :
Macquarie Island Observatory (MCQ)
uri :
Toolangi Observatory (TOO)
uri :
Wilkes Observatory (WIL)
- URI :
- global : 2c9b351a-a72f-4892-a9d4-2a3cd3a2ca6b