Brief description
This data set is a classification of the Australian continent into 2-dimensional surface regions. A geological region is a relatively large geographical area with a cohesive, albeit in some cases complex, geological assemblage (Bain and Draper 1997, AGSO Bulletin 240); significantly different in overall geology from the adjoining regions, and differs from geological province in that it does not include depth or time dimensions. NOTE: Specialised Geographic Information System (GIS) software is required to view this data.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedIssued: 1998
Modified: 21 01 2020
Modified: 15 09 2020
Data time period: 1997-01-01 to 1998-09-01
text: westlimit=113; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=154; northlimit=-10
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Related Product: Surface Geology of Australia data package 2012 edition
- URI :
- global : a05f7892-b237-7506-e044-00144fdd4fa6