Brief description
GEODATA TOPO 5M 2004 is a national seamless data product aimed at regional or national applications. It is a vector representation of the Australian landscape as represented on the Geoscience Australia 5 million general reference map and is suitable for GIS applications. Offshore and sand ridge layers were sourced from scanning of the original 1:5 million map production material. The remaining nine layers were derived from the GEODATA TOPO 2.5M 2003 dataset. Free online. Available in ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif. Product Specifications: Themes: consists of eleven layers: built-up areas; contours; drainage; framework; localities; offshore; rail transport; road transport; sand ridges, spot heights and waterbodies Coverage: Australia Currency: 2004 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: GDA94, AHD Format: ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif Medium: Free onlineLineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: irregularIssued: 2004
text: westlimit=112.0; southlimit=-44.0; eastlimit=154.0; northlimit=-9.0
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- global : a05f7892-c106-7506-e044-00144fdd4fa6