Brief description
The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset ( The present dataset provides additional geochemical data for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb acquired as part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program and in support of the Australian Government’s 2023-2030 Critical Minerals Strategy. The dataset fills a knowledge gap about Li distribution in Australia over areas dominated by transported regolith. The main ‘total’ element analysis method deployed for NGSA was based on making a fused bead using lithium-borate flux for XRF then ICP-MS analysis. Consequently, the samples could not be meaningfully analysed for Li. All 1315 NGSA milled coarse-fraction (<2 mm) top (“TOS”) catchment outlet sediment samples, taken from 0 to 10 cm depth in floodplain landforms, were analysed in the current project following the digestion method that provides near-total concentrations of Li, Be, Cs, and Rb. The samples were analysed by the commercial laboratory analysis service provider Bureau Veritas in Perth using low-level mixed acid (a mixture of nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids) digestion with elements determined by ICP-MS (Bureau Veritas methods MA110 and MA112). The data are reported in the same format as the NGSA dataset, allowing for seamless integration with previously released NGSA data. Further details on the QA/QC procedures as well as data interpretation will be reported elsewhere. This data release also includes four continental-scale geochemical maps for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb built from these analytical data. This dataset, in conjunction with previous data published by NGSA, will be of use to mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia by providing geochemical baselines for Li, Be, Cs, and Rb, as well as identifying regions of anomalism. Additionally, these data also have relevance to other applications in earth and environmental sciences.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
PurposeTo complement original NGSA analytical data with newly derived near-total Be, Cs, Li and Rb data
Issued: 12 02 2024
text: westlimit=112; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=154; northlimit=-9; projection=GDA94 / geographic 2D (EPSG: 4283)
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uri :
- DOI : 10.26186/149233
- URI :
- global : 66cb5d43-e8c2-40fa-8c03-69f65f5fb266