Brief description
The Geological Survey of South Australia commissioned the Gawler Craton Airborne Survey (GCAS) as part of the PACE Copper initiative. The airborne geophysical survey was flown over parts of the Gawler Craton in South Australia. The program was designed to capture new baseline geoscientific data to provide further information on the geological context and setting of the area for mineral systems (
The survey design of 200 m spaced lines at a ground clearance of 60 m can be compared with the design of previous regional surveys which generally employed 400 m line spacing and a ground clearance of 80 m. The new survey design results in ~2 x the data coverage and ~25% closer to the ground when compared to previous standards for regional surveys in South Australia.
Survey blocks available for download include:
Streaky Bay, block 5
Gairdner, block 6A
Spencer, block 7
Kingoonya, block 9B
The following grids are available in this download:
• Laser-derived digital elevation model grids (m). Height relative to the Australian Height Datum.
• Radar-derived digital elevation model grids (m). Height relative to the Australian Height Datum.
• Total magnetic intensity grid (nT).
• Total magnetic intensity grid with variable reduction to the pole applied (nT).
• Total magnetic intensity grid with variable reduction to the pole and first vertical derivative applied (nT/m).
• Dose rate concentration grid (nGy/hr).
• Potassium concentration grid (%).
• Thorium concentration grid (ppm).
• Uranium concentration grid (ppm).
• NASVD processed dose rate concentration grid (nGy/hr).
• NASVD processed potassium concentration grid (%).
• NASVD processed thorium concentration grid (ppm).
• NASVD processed uranium concentration grid (ppm).
The following point located data are available in this download:
• Elevation. Height relative to the Australian Height Datum. Datum: GDA94
• Total Magnetic Intensity. Datum: GDA94
• Radiometrics. Datum: GDA94
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
PurposePoint located and gridded aeromagnetic, radiometric and digital elevation model data.
Created: 17 02 2020
Issued: 06 04 2020
Data time period: 2017-01-19 to 2019-06-25
text: westlimit=133.5; southlimit=-32.665; eastlimit=137.9021; northlimit=-30; projection=GDA94 / MGA zone 53 (EPSG:28353)
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GCAS T3 MagRadElev Description and Contents [805 KB]
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P1308 GCAS 5 Streaky Bay Elevation Grids [54.5 MB]
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P1308 GCAS 5 Streaky Bay Magnetics Grids [125 MB]
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P1308 GCAS 5 Streaky Bay Radiometrics Grids [286 MB]
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P1308 GCAS 5 Streaky Bay Elevation Line Data [153 MB]
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P1308 GCAS 5 Streaky Bay Magnetics Line Data [455 MB]
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P1308 GCAS 5 Streaky Bay Radiometrics Line Data [76.4 MB]
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P1309 GCAS 6 Gairdner Elevation Grids [97.3 MB]
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P1309 GCAS 6 Gairdner Magnetics Grids [143 MB]
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P1309 GCAS 6 Gairdner Radiometrics Grids [328 MB]
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P1309 GCAS 6 Gairdner Elevation Line Data [223 MB]
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P1309 GCAS 6 Gairdner Magnetics Line Data [623 MB]
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P1309 GCAS 6 Gairdner Radiometrics Line Data [98.3 MB]
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P1310 GCAS 7 Spencer Elevation Grids [42.1 MB]
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P1310 GCAS 7 Spencer Magnetics Grids [63.4 MB]
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P1310 GCAS 7 Spencer Radiometrics Grids [150 MB]
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P1310 GCAS 7 Spencer Elevation Line Data [416 MB]
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P1310 GCAS 7 Spencer Magnetics Line Data [622 MB]
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P1310 GCAS 7 Spencer Radiometrics Line Data [46.2 MB]
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P1311 GCAS 9b Kingoonya Elevation Grids [111 MB]
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P1311 GCAS 9b Kingoonya Magnetics Grids [177 MB]
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P1311 GCAS 9b Kingoonya Radiometrics Grids [436 MB]
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P1311 GCAS 9b Kingoonya Elevation Line Data [1.03 GB]
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P1311 GCAS 9b Kingoonya Magnetics Line Data [1.54 GB]
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P1311 GCAS 9b Kingoonya Radiometrics Line Data [110 MB]
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- global : 901e737f-02d8-4fec-86c3-66a30d32a994
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