Brief description
BRUVS (TM) were deployed in 3 depth zones, 20-30 m, 40-60 m and 90-110 m at 3 shoals near Evans Shoal, 6 Karmt shoals and 6 Sahul shoals as well as 4 adjacent sites in 96-100 m on the shelf in the Timor Sea. A series of 6 BRUVS (TM) were set in a line at each site and depth.Sampling positions, depth, time and associated operational data were secured at the time of deployment. The parameters recorded during the tape reading process were:- classification of the habitat (a still image is grabbed for each set)- identification to species level of all vertebrates observed (following the CAABCodes Australian standard naming convention)- the relative abundance of each species (recorded as 'maxN' - the maximum number visible at one time at any point on the tape)- the 'time of arrival' (Tarr) of each fish species- the life stage of each species (adult or juvenile)- the time elapsed before maxN (TmaxN) and feeding (Tf) was observed for each species The purpose of this project was to record the fish, shark, ray and sea snake faunas, and associated benthic habitats, of the major clusters of Timor Sea shoals at 3 depth zones, 20-30 m, 40-60 m and 90-110 m. Towed camera footage was also recorded in the areas where BRUVS (TM) were deployed.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededModified: 17 10 2024
text: westlimit=124.028449; southlimit=-13.486666; eastlimit=129.555067; northlimit=-9.625897
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