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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Radio Burst Data: FRB 140514&rft.identifier=swin-nomint: Petroff-FRBs&rft.publisher=Swinburne University of Technology&rft.description=The filterbank (.fil) file for each beam is a time-frequency data cube with 64 microsecond time resolution and 1024 frequency channels over 400 MHz of bandwidth centered at 1382 MHz. This collection contains 13 filterbank files, of for each beam of the Parkes multi-beam receiver. The pointing is 15.4 minutes long (14438400 time samples) and contains the fast radio burst FRB 140514.    FRB 140514 occurs 509.059 seconds into the observation with a DM of 562.7 pc cm^-3.    Polarization data was also recorded for 1.5 seconds surrounding the burst for all 13 beams of the receiver in the form of archive (.ar) files. This collection includes the 8-bit polarization data for all beams and a calibration file for beam 01 taken during the observing session. These can be used to recover the polarization information for FRB 140514.   Filterbank data can be processed and searched for bursts using the Heimdall single pulse software package ( and archive files can be analyzed and plotted using the PSRCHIVE software package ( Both are publicly available tools and can be downloaded in conjunction with these data for analysis.   Related Publications: An absence of fast radio bursts at intermediate galactic latitudes (Petroff et al. 2014a) A real-time fast radio burst: Polarization detection and multi-wavelength follow-up (Petroff et al. 2014b, in press) Brief description: FRB 140514 is a fast radio burst discovered at the Parkes radio telescope and originally presented in Petroff et al. 2014b. Here we provide the pointing containing FRB 140514 in the native filterbank data recorded at the Parkes Radio Telescope for all 13 beams of the Parkes multi-beam receiver.  We also provide the 8-bit full-polarization data for the 1.5 seconds around the burst and the calibration observation.&rft.creator=Emily Petroff& and Space Instrumentation&rft_subject=PHYSICAL SCIENCES&rft_subject=ASTRONOMICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES&rft_subject=Radio Astronomy&rft_subject=Parkes Radio Telescope&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Brief description

Brief description: FRB 140514 is a fast radio burst discovered at the Parkes radio telescope and originally presented in Petroff et al. 2014b. Here we provide the pointing containing FRB 140514 in the native filterbank data recorded at the Parkes Radio Telescope for all 13 beams of the Parkes multi-beam receiver.  We also provide the 8-bit full-polarization data for the 1.5 seconds around the burst and the calibration observation.

Full description

The filterbank (.fil) file for each beam is a time-frequency data cube with 64 microsecond time resolution and 1024 frequency channels over 400 MHz of bandwidth centered at 1382 MHz. This collection contains 13 filterbank files, of for each beam of the Parkes multi-beam receiver. The pointing is 15.4 minutes long (14438400 time samples) and contains the fast radio burst FRB 140514. 
FRB 140514 occurs 509.059 seconds into the observation with a DM of 562.7 pc cm^-3. 
Polarization data was also recorded for 1.5 seconds surrounding the burst for all 13 beams of the receiver in the form of archive (.ar) files. This collection includes the 8-bit polarization data for all beams and a calibration file for beam 01 taken during the observing session. These can be used to recover the polarization information for FRB 140514.
Filterbank data can be processed and searched for bursts using the Heimdall single pulse software package ( and archive files can be analyzed and plotted using the PSRCHIVE software package ( Both are publicly available tools and can be downloaded in conjunction with these data for analysis.
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