Full description
This collection provides a complete list of convict names and sufficient biographical data to enable unambiguous identification of convicts who were disembarked from convict ship "Lord Sidmouth" at Van Diemen's Land on 1823-02-10 This includes, where known, an estimation of the year of birth, place of birth, where and when convicted, the sentence, the date of arrival in the colony and the convict's age on arrival. The brief convict biographical data provided in this collection serves as an index into the far more extensive set of life course events which are recorded in the prosopgraphy database built by the Founders and Survivors project. Basic details for this ship: * ship name (as known in VDL records): Lord Sidmouth * sailed date : 1822-09-11 from Woolwich * arrival date : 1823-02-10 * population (per Bateson's The Convict Ships): Embarked:97 Women ; Deaths:1 Women ; Landed:46(NSW) and 50(VDL) Women Data for convicts listed in this collection comes from the source which has been determined by Founders and Survivors to form the "base population" for this ship. Further information as to the methodology and the linkage of multiple sources is detailed in the narrative format of the collection. The matching and linkage of additional sources about Tasmanian convict's is the subject of ongoing research. This collection may be repuplished regularly, and in additional formats and with specific user interfaces, to enable public participation in the quality of convict matching and linkage -- see for example the EXPERIMENTAL linkage.htm format for this collection. Linkage for ships arriving at Norfolk Island and Port Philip is incomplete. This ship's prosopography index is published in a directory named "358.12" (the ship's project id). Three three different file formats provided: -- (default; suitable for web browsing) HTML: world wide web hypertext markup language format which provides a "narrative" view of the collection (index.htm); and -- (structured prosopgraphy: persons and events) XML / TEIp5 : Text Encoding Initiative (version p5) XML format which provides the underlying XML database for this collection (index.xml); and -- [Not yet available] (row/column flat) simple list of convict names in a flat file, tab delimited, suitable for Excel, Stata, SPSS or database usage (index.tab). See notes below.
List of convicts who disembarked from convict ship "Lord Sidmouth" at Van Diemen's Land on 1823-02-10 generated from the Founders and Survivors research project's prosopography database as at 2012-04-24T15:22:53.
Flat files columns yet to be determined.Data time period: 1822-09-11 to 1823-02-10
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