
Doing great things with small languages: Safeguarding Indigenous language material of Australia's region by clever use of new technology [ 2009-07-20 - 2014-09-20 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Rachel Nordlinger (Chief Investigator) ,  Nick Thieberger (Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship)

Brief description Doing great things with small languages: Safeguarding Indigenous language material of Australia's region by clever use of new technology. This project will provide a responsible record of Indigenous and endangered languages from both Australia and from Vanuatu. It will build understanding of the cultures in which those languages are spoken and enhance links between Australia and its neighbours by providing access to field recordings made by researchers since the 1950s, thus enhancing Australia's security. It will also keep Australia at the forefront of the application of new technologies to linguistic research by developing a methodology for language documentation of significance for the discipline as a whole.

Funding Amount $719,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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