Brief description
This dataset contains hotspot point data, derived from satellite-born instruments that detect light in the thermal wavelengths found on the Digital Earth Australia Hotspots application. Typically, satellite data are processed with a specific algorithm that highlights areas with an unusually high temperature. Hotspot sources include the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor aboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Terra and Aqua satellites, the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) night time imagery from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi- NPP satellite. Please note: As these data are stored on a Corporate system, we are only able to supply the web services (see download links). email
Maintenance and Update Frequency: daily
Statement: Hotspots data acquisition and processing are described below:
Data acquisition: Satellite telemetry data is received at the Geoscience Australia data acquisition facility ground station at Alice Springs and processed to produce a level 0 (MODIS), NOAA HDF file (AVHRR) and Raw Data Record (VIIRS) datasets. These datasets are then transferred via a network link to Canberra for further processing.
Data processing: Currently MODIS and AVHRR night time data are processed using MOD14/MYD14 and CATS respectively to produce Hotspots. VIIRS data are processed using the VIIRS SDR algorithm (Baker et al., 2011). Hotspot pixels are identified and extracted from the image into an ASCII file, and are saved in the Geoscience Australia Reference Hotspot database ( The Reference database provides a complete and on-going record of Geoscience Australia’s Hotspots product.
PurposeEmergency management agencies use Sentinel Hotspots as one of many operational data feeds to inform their broad situational awareness of, and at times tactical response to, fires.
Created: 2001
Issued: 27 05 2020
Data time period: 2002-08
text: westlimit=107.00; southlimit=-43.00; eastlimit=160.00; northlimit=-1.00
MODIS MOD14 Terra and MYD14 Aqua |
Published_External |
bushfire monitoring |
geoscientificInformation |
hazard detection |
hotspots |
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DEA Hotspots portal
- URI :
- global : ed255306-ad17-4c8c-a85c-4f49486d77e0